Weekly Announcements - Sunday November 12, 2023

General Body Meeting Notice


Thank you, Rev. Philip Varughese for celebrating today’s Holy Qurbana Service and Mr. Alex John for the inspiring message. Thanks to the lay leaders, choir, and media committee for assisting with today's service. 

Worship Service 

  • Next Sunday, November 19, 2023
  • Holy Qurbana service in English at 8:30 AM
  • Suvishesha Nidhi offertory will be collected 
  • Sunday School will be held online due to General Body Meeting. 

Weekly Events

  • Wednesday November 15, 2023   -  Bible Study (online via WebEx) @ 7 PM. Led by Rev. Jeswin S John. Humbly request your prayerful participation.

Thanksgiving Get-Together 

Thanksgiving Get-Together with Evanswood Church will be held on Sunday November 12, 2023, at 4:30 pm in Church. This will be a time for both churches to come together in worship, prayer, and fellowship. Kindly request all members to prayerfully participate. Dinner will be provided at the end.  

For more information or questions contact Mr. Binu Jacob or Mr. Shine Eapen. 

Yuvajana Sakhyam

Yuvajana Sakhyam General Body Meeting will be held on Saturday November 18, 2023 at 4:40 pm in the sanctuary side room. The meeting will be presided over by the Vicar/President Rev. Jeswin S John

The agenda is as follows: 

  1. Election for office bearers 2024

All Yuvajana Sakhyam members are requested to attend. 

Carol Rounding

St. John's Mar Thoma Church carol rounding will be held on the following dates:

  • Sunday November 26, 2023
  • Saturday December 2, 2023
  • Sunday December 3, 2023
  • Saturday December 9, 2023
  • Sunday December 10, 2023 (Reserve Day)

This year, if any of your family and/or friends are interested in hosting our energetic Carol Rounders, please let the conveners know so that they can schedule their homes. 

A preliminary schedule has been sent by the conveners. Please review the list and if you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Roy Mathews or Mr. Bino Varghese. 

Carol Rounding Song practice will be held on Wednesday November 15, 2023, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the church. 


Thank you to the refreshment committee for organizing today's refreshment. 

Birthday & Wedding Anniversary

St. John's Mar Thoma Church would like to wish all celebrating their birthday and wedding anniversary this coming week. May God Bless you.

Prayer Requests 

  • Let's pray for those having health challenges:
    • Mr. George Chacko
    • Mr. George K Thomas & Mrs. Aleyamma Thomas
    • Mr. K. R Samuel 
    • Elsy Kochamma 
    • Mrs. Aleyamma Cherian & Mr. P.V Cherian
    • Mr. Manaloor Abraham
    • Father of Mr. P.J Abraham in India
    • All those are going through cancer treatments.
  • Let's pray for the world peace.
  • Let's pray for all those who are struggling with unemployment. 
  • Let's pray for our community so that we may live with peace and love.

If you are not receiving emails from the church, please notify us by sending information (full name and email address) to sec@stjmtc.org.

THANK YOU and have a blessed Week

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