Sunday, February 2, 2025
Kalpana DC/54/2025 Diocesan Sunday
Circular No. 149 Maramon Convention
Thank you Rev. Jeswin John achen for leading today’s Communion service and for the inspiring message. Thank you, lay leaders, choir, and media committee for assisting with today’s service. The Holy Communion Service in Malayalam will be celebrated next Sunday at 8:30am at Evanswood church by Rev Jeswin John achen.
Sunday School
The Sunday School General Body meeting will be held today Sunday February 2nd immediately after the service.The meeting will be held in the church fellowship hall, the room next to the kitchen. The meeting will be presided by the Vicar/President Rev. Jeswin S John. The meeting agenda was sent to all the teachers. There will be a common session for the children during the General Body meeting. Classes will start right after the meeting. Requesting teachers to come to the meeting room right after the service.
Mar Thoma Voluntary Evangelist Assoication Diocese of North America & Europe monthly meeting is scheduled on Zoom on February 3rd at 8:30pm.
Bible Study
A Bible Study will be held on Thursday February 6th 7pm at via Webex. Rev Jeswin John will lead the study.
A Malayalam choir practice will be held on Saturday February 8th 6pm at Evanswood church.
Thank you Mr Rocky Cherry and family for sponsoring today’s refreshments.
Thank you refreshment committee, for making the necessary arrangements.
Birthday & Wedding Anniversary
St. John's Mar Thoma Church conveys our warm regards to all the members celebrating their birthday and wedding anniversary this week.
Prayer Requests
Let's keep our family members and friends having health challenges in our prayers:
- Mr. George K Thomas & Mrs. Aleyamma Thomas
- Mr. K. R Samuel & Lillykutty Samuel
- Rev. Philip Varughese & Elsy Kochamma
- Mrs. Aleyamma Cherian & Mr. P.V Cherian
Let's pray for our family members and friends who are grieving the loss of their loved ones.
All those are going through cancer treatments and other health challenges.
Let's pray for peace in the world.
Let's pray for our family members traveling at this time.
Let's pray for all those who are struggling with unemployment.
Let's pray for our community so that we may live with peace and love.